Explore the power of somatic bodywork.

Harness the power of your body's innate wisdom—schedule a somatic bodywork session today.

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Unveiling inner healing through embodied transformation and trauma-informed bodywork.

Somatic bodywork, also known as somatic therapy or somatic movement therapy, is a profound approach to healing that recognizes the intricate connection between the mind, body, and soul. It invites you to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery, where you can explore and release the deep-seated tensions and patterns held within your physical being.

Trauma profoundly impacts the mind and body, leaving behind invisible scars that can hinder your well-being. In our pursuit of holistic health, we believe that true healing requires addressing trauma at its core. That is why we offer specialized bodywork for trauma, a profound and transformative approach to healing that harnesses the power of physical connection.

In a world where the mind often precedes the body, somatic bodywork is a beautiful reminder that your physicality is not separate from your emotional and psychological spheres. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing and caring for your whole self to achieve true well-being and balance.

Therapeutic Touch, somatic bodywork, hands on jaw

Restoring balance
and flow with
somatic bodywork.

The somatic bodywork coach serves as a compassionate guide, holding a safe space to express, explore, and release the physical and emotional burdens stored within your body. This process creates an opportunity for deep self-reflection, nurtures self-awareness, and empowers you to understand yourself better.

The techniques applied during somatic bodywork sessions encourage the body to release accumulated stress, trauma, or other unresolved experiences. During a somatic bodywork session, coaches employ various techniques tailored to your needs. These may include body-centered mindfulness, breathwork, therapeutic touch, movement explorations, and guided visualization. Through these interventions, the body's innate wisdom is awakened, allowing for a deep somatic release and the reintegration of fragmented aspects of the self.

Nurturing mind-body-soul connection through somatic bodywork and healing touch.

At its core, Somatic Bodywork acknowledges that your body is not a mere vessel but is deeply intertwined with your emotions, experiences, and histories. It recognizes that unresolved traumas, stress, and unexpressed emotions can manifest as tension, pain, or disconnection in the body. Through breathwork, gentle touch, and movement, somatic bodywork aims to restore harmony and balance within this mind-body-soul trinity, which leads to a sense of release, restoration, and integration.

Woman practicing somatic bodywork

We recognize that trauma is a deeply personal and
individual experience

We understand that the effects of trauma can be far-reaching and affect various aspects of one's life. That is why we go above and beyond to provide personalized and tailored sessions to meet your unique needs and preferences. Whether you prefer a specific modality or a combination of different techniques, we work with you to create a session that resonates with you on a deep level. By offering this personalized approach, we strive to empower you to take an active role in your healing journey.

Creating a safe and supportive environment is paramount to our approach. We’re committed to recognizing and respecting your boundaries, and we prioritize obtaining consent for any touch or physical interaction during our sessions. Your comfort and sense of safety are of utmost importance to us.

We follow trauma-informed practices. This means that we acknowledge the potential impact of trauma on individuals and structure our sessions accordingly. We strive to create an environment that promotes healing, understanding, validation, trust, and empowerment, where you feel genuinely seen and heard.

“The essence of somatic bodywork lies in recognizing that your body carries an inherent wisdom, constantly communicating through sensations, emotions, and physical responses.

However, this innate communication can become distorted or overlooked due to life's stresses, past traumas, or repetitive patterns. Somatic bodywork is an art of listening and responding to these subtle cues.”

Grounding, centering, heart space

The transformative benefits of somatic bodywork.

Combining breathwork, therapeutic touch, movement, and awareness, Somatic Bodywork techniques offer many benefits beyond simple relaxation and stress reduction.

• Increases body awareness

• Releases physical and emotional tension

• Reduces stress

• Improves mental health

• Expands self-awareness

• Reduces physical discomfort & chronic pain

• Creates resilience & self-compassion

• Heals traumas

• Improves emotional regulation

Somatic bodywork aims to create a safe and nurturing space for you to reconnect with your body. By fostering a deep sense of presence and awareness, we’ll guide you through a journey of exploration, unwinding physical tension, and unraveling emotional or energetic blockages.

The first session will involve a more in-depth conversation about your current lifestyle, goals, and intentions.

Typical sessions start with a check-in chat, discussing any areas of tension you notice in the body, intention setting, somatic grounding, and centering exercises, followed by active Somatic Bodywork. This practice is not like a massage. You’ll be fully clothed. Breath, movement, sound, and touch will be incorporated into the sessions so that we can listen to the messages of your body, regulate your nervous system, release tensions, and move energy in your body so that you can release what no longer serves you. The session will end with a time of integration, journaling, drawing, and sharing.

What to expect during a somatic bodywork session.

Somatic Bodywork, therapeutic touch

Somatic bodywork sessions.

Initial Session

Schedule your appointment below.

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Your journey begins with a 90-minute get-to-know session during which we'll connect, explore your health history, discuss your aspirations for personal well-being, and map out your goals. With somatic healing at the core, we’ll tailor a unique plan to begin your adventure toward self-reconnection and enriched body awareness.

*First-time clients must purchase and attend the 90-minute Initial Session before booking any Somatic Coaching, Breathwork, or Somatic Bodwork single/multi-pack sessions.

90 mins | $130

Somatic Bodywork Session

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

This 90-minute session combines energy healing, controlled breathing, movements, and therapeutic touch, all customized to fit your body's own pace and needs. This session helps unlock your body's natural healing abilities, addressing both emotional and physical stress or trauma. We focus on connecting with your body's energy, making it easier to let go of tension. Our integrative approach creates a space where your body can freely express and release stored energies, leading you toward a deep sense of healing and relief.

*First-time clients must purchase and attend the 90-minute Initial Session before booking any Somatic Coaching, Breathwork, or Somatic Bodwork single/multi-pack sessions.

90 mins | $130

Somatic Bodywork 5-Session Pack

5 personalized Somatic Bodywork sessions with Embodied Essence.

Purchase 5 sessions and receive 10% off

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Join us for a healing journey with our 5-session package. Each 90-minute session combines energy work, breathing exercises, movement, and therapeutic touch tailored to your body's needs. Monthly sessions are spread out to help you slowly heal and integrate this experience. This monthly spacing gives you time to reflect on and absorb the benefits of each session, helping you move toward a deeper sense of calm and connection with yourself.

*First-time clients must purchase and attend the 90-minute Initial Session before booking any Somatic Coaching, Breathwork, or Somatic Bodwork single/multi-pack sessions.

90 mins (each session) | $585

Somatic Bodywork 10-Session Pack

10 personalized Somatic Bodywork sessions with Embodied Essence.

Purchase 10 sessions and receive 15% off

Zoom, connect with us from anywhere!

Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Dive deeper with our 10-session package, designed to provide a thorough and transformative experience over several months with monthly sessions. These 90-minute sessions offer a blend of energy work, mindful breathing, movement, and therapeutic touch, focusing on gently and gradually releasing tension and emotional buildup. The space between sessions allows for your body and mind to process and integrate the healing, leading to lasting changes and a renewed sense of well-being.

*First-time clients must purchase and attend the 90-minute Initial Session before booking any Somatic Coaching, Breathwork, or Somatic Bodwork single/multi-pack sessions.

90 mins (each session) | $1,105

“Through the power of touch and awareness, somatic bodywork restores the body's natural flow and balance.”


  • Somatic bodywork is a therapeutic approach that involves working with the body to address physical, emotional, and energetic patterns. It emphasizes breathwork, awareness, sensation, touch, and movement to release tension and promote healing.

  • While traditional massage therapy primarily focuses on manipulating soft tissues, somatic bodywork emphasizes enhancing body awareness, breathwork, movement, and releasing stored emotional and physical tension through various techniques.

  • Somatic movement aims to enhance the body-mind connection, promote self-awareness, and release habitual patterns of movement and tension.

  • Somatic bodywork focuses on increasing body awareness and sensitivity to sensations. By gently guiding individuals through movement and touch, it encourages the release of physical and emotional tension that might be stored in the body's tissues.

  • Techniques such as breathwork, stretches, shaking, and rocking are often used. These methods help the body release held tension and promote safety and control.

  • Yes, it's possible. As tension is released from the body, suppressed emotions might surface. Skilled practitioners create a safe space for clients to experience and process these emotions, supporting their healing journey.

  • The nervous system responds to stress and trauma by storing patterns of tension. Somatic trauma release work helps regulate the nervous system, allowing it to gradually release these patterns and return to a state of balance.

  • Somatic trauma release is generally safe, but individuals with severe trauma histories or certain medical conditions must consult a qualified practitioner before engaging in these practices.

Release tension and trauma, cultivate relaxation, and restore balance. Schedule your Somatic Bodywork session today.

Zoom, connect with us from anywhere!

Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio