The power of energy healing.

Find your inner balance—schedule a chakra balancing session today.

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Exploring the depths of energy healing for renewal and balance.

In a world filled with stress, fatigue, and imbalance, wouldn't it be wonderful to tap into an invisible force that can revive your spirit, rejuvenate your body, and restore harmony within? Welcome to the realm of energy healing, a profound journey that transcends conventional boundaries and unlocks the hidden potential within you.

Embrace the power of energy work for holistic healing and self-discovery.

Energy work is a transformative practice that explores the intricate connection between your mind, body, and soul. It involves working with the energetic field that surrounds and interweaves throughout your physical body. Energy therapies aim to release blockages, restore balance, and facilitate the flow of vital life force energy by tapping into the subtle energetic vibrations within and around you. It promotes holistic well-being, enhances self-awareness, and facilitates deep healing.

It recognizes that your thoughts, emotions, and experiences leave imprints in your energetic field, affecting your physical and mental health. Energy Work engages with this broader perspective to enhance your energetic vitality, align you with your authentic self, and support your overall wellness journey.

Crystal Healing, energy work, chakra balancing

Empowerment through energy healing and chakra alignment.

Within the framework of energy healing, the coach acts as an enabler, facilitating the flow of vital energy within the body. With gentle and intuitive touch, intention, and various techniques, energy healing revitalizes the flow of energy within, unleashing the body's innate ability to heal and restore itself.

By harmonizing the Chakras, you can experience enhanced awareness, improved emotional stability, and a deeper connection to your spiritual essence.

Chakra Balancing with crystals

Exploring the art of chakra balancing for renewed vitality.

Chakra Balancing is a practice rooted in ancient wisdom that seeks to restore harmony and vitality to your subtle energy system. As described in Eastern philosophy, the Chakras are spinning wheels of energy located along the central axis of your body. When these chakras become imbalanced or blocked, it can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual disharmony.

Chakra Balancing aims to realign and cleanse these energy centers, allowing the natural flow of energy to resume.

“You’re a multidimensional being, intricately woven with energy that flows through every fiber of your being. This energy, often called life force or chi, is the essence of who you are.”

Energy Work with crystals

Unveiling the holistic benefits of energy center balancing.

Balancing the chakras allows you to experience various physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

• Enhances energy flow

• Supports & optimizes the physical body

• Increases emotional stability

• Improves self-esteem

• Enhances intuition

• Increases sense of inner peace

• Encourages creativity

• Relieves stress

• Nurtures spiritual growth

Energy healing acts as a catalyst, igniting your internal radiance and allowing it to shine with increased vibrancy. As energetic pathways become unencumbered, life force energy travels unobstructed throughout your being, revitalizing your body, mind, and soul.

What to expect during a chakra balancing session.

The first session will involve a more in-depth conversation about your current lifestyle, goals, and intentions.

Typical sessions start with a check-in chat, instructions on breathing for the session, intention setting, and somatic grounding and centering exercises, followed by balancing your Chakras using guided meditation, crystals, Himalayan singing bowls, and tuning forks. Sessions will end with integration time using journaling, drawing, and sharing.

Chakra balancing with Himalayan sound bowls

Energy work sessions.

Chakra Balancing Session

Schedule your appointment below.

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Join us for a relaxing 60-minute session designed to harmonize your chakras, the vital energy centers in your body that influence your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Using the transformative power of sound healing and the supportive energies of healing crystals and essential oils, we work to clear blockages and stimulate the flow of energy throughout your body. This holistic approach brings a profound sense of peace and enhances your overall health, helping you feel more balanced and aligned.

60 mins | $120

Chakra Balancing 5-Session Pack

5 personalized Chakra Balancing sessions with Embodied Essence.

Purchase 5 sessions and receive 10% off

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Keep your energy flowing smoothly with our 5 Pack of Chakra Balancing sessions. Each 60-minute session is a step towards maintaining your energy's natural rhythm, using sound healing, healing crystals, and essential oils to ensure your chakras stay balanced and vibrant. This series is perfect for anyone looking to sustain their sense of calm and wellness, helping you stay aligned and in harmony over time.

60 mins (each session) | $540

Chakra Balancing 10-Session Pack

10 personalized Chakra Balancing sessions with Embodied Essence.

Purchase 10 sessions and receive 15% off

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Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio

Ensure a continuous flow of positive energy with our 10 Pack of Chakra Balancing sessions. Designed for those who value their energetic health, this package offers 10- 60-minute sessions focused on keeping your chakras clear and balanced. Through the consistent use of sound healing, crystals, and essential oils, you'll find your energy remains in a state of flow, supporting your overall well-being and keeping you grounded and centered in your daily life.

60 mins (each session) | $1,020

“Energy flows where attention goes, shaping the reality we sow.”


  • Chakras are energy centers in the body that correspond to different aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are seven main chakras that run along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head.

  • Chakra balancing is important for maintaining overall health and well-being. When your chakras are balanced and flowing harmoniously, it can enhance your physical vitality, emotional stability, and spiritual growth.

  • Chakras can become imbalanced due to various factors, including stress, trauma, negative emotions, and physical ailments. Imbalances can lead to physical discomfort, emotional challenges, and a sense of being disconnected.

  • Signs of chakra imbalances encompass physical discomfort, emotional stressors, and mental blockages related to each chakra's distinct attributes.

  • Several methods are used for chakra balancing, including meditation, visualization, energy work, sound healing, breathwork, and somatic practices. Techniques like meditation and energy work aim to clear blockages and restore the flow of energy in the chakras.

  • Chakra balancing meditation involves focusing on each chakra individually, visualizing their corresponding colors, and using affirmations to promote balance. This practice helps to clear any energy blockages and align the chakras.

  • Sound healing uses specific frequencies and vibrations, often generated by singing bowls, tuning forks, or vocal toning, to resonate with each chakra. This can help dislodge energy blockages and promote balance.

  • Chakra balancing breathwork involves using specific breathing patterns to activate and cleanse the chakras. Breathwork can help release stagnant energy and promote relaxation and clarity.

Awaken the essence within and start your energy journey today.

Zoom, connect with us from anywhere!

Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio