Guiding and supporting the art of embodied wellness.

Hey there, lovely souls!

Abby Spooner


My journey as a Somatic Embodiment Coach began with my own struggles with chronic health issues. Through this journey, I discovered the incredible connection between the mind, body, and soul. This realization sparked my passion for holistic healing, leading me to dive into transformative practices like somatics, breathwork, embodiment, sound healing, energy work, and PEMF healing.

These practices resonated deeply with me, inspiring me to share their benefits with others. That's why I decided to become a coach and create Embodied Essence. My goal is to provide you with personalized support and guidance as you navigate your own challenges and strive for balance and harmony in your life.

Through my studies blending ancient wisdom with modern science, I've developed a diverse toolbox of techniques, including mindfulness, sound baths, breathwork, somatics, and more. As your Somatic Coach, I'm here to empower you to unlock your innate ability to heal and thrive.

You already possess the wisdom and resources needed to create a fulfilling life. My role is to be your companion on this journey, offering guidance, support, and a safe space for exploration and growth.

In our sessions, we'll embark on a collaborative journey, exploring the interconnected dynamics of thoughts, emotions, physical sensations, and behaviors. I'll help you uncover the root causes of any imbalances or challenges, working together diligently to release emotional blockages, alleviate stress, and foster self-healing.

My coaching approach is grounded in compassion, authenticity, and nonjudgment. I believe that true transformation happens when we bravely confront our shadows and embrace our genuine selves. My priority is creating a nurturing environment where you feel safe expressing your thoughts, emotions, and vulnerabilities without fear of judgment. Together, we'll cultivate a space where your growth and healing can flourish.


I’m trained and certified in a range of mind-body therapies. My educational journey includes a 120-hour Mind-Body Coaching Program with Embody Lab, enriched with over 35 hours in Trauma and Somatics, trauma-informed training. At InnerCamp, I've attained a Holosomatic Breathwork Facilitator diploma with over 500 hours, deepened by over 250 hours in Holosomatic Tantric Embodiment and a further 300 hours in Holorsomatic Bodywork and Trauma Release Therapy. My comprehensive training at InnerCamp and my accreditation in Vibrational Sound Therapy from Life Changing Energy—both endorsed by the Complimentary Medical Association—guarantees a high level of educational excellence and professional practice.  As an International Breathwork Foundation professional, I provide tailored support that interweaves breathwork, somatics, sound healing, and energy work to nurture personal growth and holistic well-being.

Start working with me today.

I’m here to guide you on your unique path toward holistic well-being. Together, we’ll weave a tapestry of practices, guiding you to create sustainable habits that nourish your mind, body, and soul.

Zoom, connect with us from anywhere!

Lewes Delaware Location, Dimitra Yoga Studio